Monday, November 2, 2009

On the 8th day, god made the platypus and declared 'I've lost my edge'

It was second grade.

We’d just been seated and scattered in Mrs Macdonald’s class, and it was time to learn. Along the side of the rows and columns of seats, there was a girl. It was the type of seat that would have a 5 if second grade were minesweeper.

“How does it feel to be the only girl on this side of the class?”

‘I dunno.’

We were friends, somehow.

SA was a weird Italian girl with weird Italian friends with weird Italian last names. I didn’t really know what girls were, but i suppose her indifference enticed me.

We hung our coats near each other and said HI.

I wanted her. I didn’t know what for or what about, as those pieces and those urges were years from awakening. I suppose to play mario kart.

Over the course of the year, she asked for my phone number and kept losing it. I always asked, but she never explained why she wanted it so badly but couldn’t keep tabs on it.

One day she called me, as part of a dare. I didn’t have time to talk, or I might have invited her over to play some mario kart. I was good at mario kart. I was awful with girls.

Seventeen years later, little has changed.

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