Tuesday, November 17, 2009

If you're havin hull problems i feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but a breach ain't one.

I started re-reading THE GAME last night. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Game:_Penetrating_the_Secret_Society_of_Pickup_Artists
Yes, re-reading, meaning I own the book and have read it before. If ever you needed empirical evidence that my lack of game is a chronic condition, this may be it.

An interesting quote I ran into in the first few chapters is this one: "A man has two primary drives in early adulthood: one towards power, success, and accomplishment; the other toward love, companionship, and sex. Half of life then was out of order. To go before them [the pickup group] was to stand up as a man and admit that i was only half a man."
It's a bit to bear, for certain, but essentially accurate.
Perhaps I'll endeavor to spend December undertaking the Stylelife challenge (another book that yeah, i own. say something). that would make for exciting blogging, that is for certain.

Also, last silly picture for now, subsequent pictures will be of attractive girls. if you can find some sort of common theme and help me clear up what my "type" is, i'll make you dinner.

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